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Property Taxes

Tax bills are sent out to property owners in summer of each year. Tax bills are due October 30th of each year or the Friday before if the 30th lands on a Saturday or Sunday.

Added tax bills are sent out in summer/fall of each year. Added tax bills are due on the date specified on the tax bill.

Interest at a rate of 0.83% per month is charged on overdue accounts. Properties in tax arrears for over 2 years may qualify for tax sale procedures.

There are 2 principle factors that determine the amount of property tax.

  1. Assessment - Market Value of your property based on 2 years prior. The assessment is determined by the Provincial Assessment Office.
  2. Mill Rate - Determined by the Rural Municipality when the current year's budget is developed.

Questions about your assessment?

The provincial assessment office is responsible for determining assessments on properties.
Information on assessment can be obtained here.
Questions related to the assessment on your property can be directed to the Morden Assessment Office, Ph: 204-822-2900.
If you wish to submit a complaint to the Assessment Review Board, please contact the RM administration office, or click here for the Notice of Complaint form.

Farm Use Assessments

Assessment Fakten - Was ist eine Wertfestsetzung?

Einspruch gegen die Wertfestsetzung

Special Service Levy

The special service levy is collected for the provision of fire & emergency services that the municipality purchases from both the City of Winkler & the City of Morden. Historically this amount was collected under the general mill rate, however this was changed in 2009 to a special service levy which allows the municipality to charge otherwise exempt properties for fire & emergency services such as churches, schools & hospitals. This serves to spread the cost more evenly across taxpayers benefiting from the services provided.

School Taxes

Each individual School Division determines their own mill rate that they will charge property owners. The Municipality is responsible for collecting this money and then remitting it to the School Division in accordance with provincial legislation. For questions regarding school taxes contact your local school division office.

In 2021, Manitoba will begin phasing out education property taxes by implementing the Education Property Tax Rebate.  For more information, click here.

Farmland School Tax Rebate

The Province has provided a program which rebates to the property owner a certain percentage of school tax that is paid on farmland. Rebate forms are mailed out to property owners, or can be picked up at the municipal office.


Property taxes must be paid in full.
Municipal office signs the rebate form indicating payment has been received OR copy of the receipt for tax payment is submitted with the rebate form.
Completed form & receipt is submitted to MASC or the MB Agriculture Office.
If approved, the rebate will be mailed out to property owner.

Education Property Tax Credit (EPTCA)

The Education Property Tax Credit is a credit for homeowners and tenant offsetting occupancy costs – property tax for homeowners and 20% of rent for tenants – payable in Manitoba. The Advance is the Education Property Tax Credit applied directly to the municipal property tax statements.
The Education Property Tax Credit can only be claimed on a homeowner’s principal residence. To confirm eligibility for the Education Property Tax Credit Advance, the homeowner must meet the legislated criteria as per the following questions:

1. Is this property yours and/or your spouse or common-law partner’s principal residence?

2. Do you and/or your spouse or common-law partner own another property in Manitoba?

a)  If yes, to your knowledge, are you and/or your spouse or common-law partner receiving the EPTCA on another property in any Municipality in Manitoba?    

If you are eligible to receive the EPTCA, contact our office any time throughout the year.  Please click here for the EPTCA Application Form.

**Click here for an explanation on how to read your tax statement.